The D-Glass is a new and innovative security system that allows to integrate intrusion detection to glass fences and walls. By harnessing the glass panels with D-Fence's Strain Gauge Sensor to the sensor post, or by integrating the sensors to the top of the glass fence/wall, the fence is turned into an intelligent, electronic Perimeter Intrusion Detection System Any attempt to climb the fence/wall will generate the alarm.
If a glass panel is shattered in an attempt to breach the perimeter, the alarm is generated as well.
Since the system is based on D-Fence's known and field-tested Strain Gauge Technology, the rate of false alarms is close to zero, and only real attempts to breach the perimeter will generate the alarm, providing the end-user with reliable protection 24 hours a day
Suitable Applications
Government Locations
Private Homes
Agricultural Sites
Existing Fences
Glass Fences
Technical Specifications